Title Gospodarenje otpadom u poljoprivredi
Title (english) Waste management in agriculture
Author Denis Lastavec
Mentor Dragica Kemeter (mentor)
Committee member Silvija Zeman (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Goran Sabol (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dragica Kemeter (član povjerenstva)
Granter Polytechnic of Međimurje in Čakovec (Sustainable development) Čakovec
Defense date and country 2019-09-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy Ecology and Environmental Protection
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Biotechnology Waste Management
Abstract Svrha ovog završnog rada je predstaviti vrste otpada koji nastaju u poljoprivrednom sektoru, detaljnim pojašnjenjem svih vrsta otpada koji nastaju u procesu proizvodnje, kao i upozoriti na neadekvatno zbrinjavanje otpada. Kao najvažniji problem kod zagađenja u tom području istaknuto je zemljište koje predstavlja svakako najvažniji prirodni resurs, a kojim se istovremeno ne gospodari prema zakonima prirode, već prema ljudskim potrebama, odnosno ljudskoj volji.
U daljnjem radu obrađuju se produkti proizvodnje na farmama. Leševi uginulih životinja predstavljaju složeni proces jer vlasnici farmi moraju biti upućeni u kategorizaciju otpada, a posebni naglasak ide na stajski gnoj kao jedan od najvećih otpadnih proizvoda pa se sukladno tome radi i podjela gnoja, kao i njegova uporaba i skladištenje. Uporaba mulja s uređaja za pročišćavanje ističe se kao dobar primjer zbrinjavanja otpada, a ujedno i korisno djelovanje istoga u druge svrhe, u ovom slučaju u poljoprivredu, ali ukoliko se time racionalno gospodari, uzimajući u obzir potrebe zemljišta. U cilju postizanja ozbiljnih rezultata glede prinosa na poljima, ističu se pesticidi, ali isto tako oni se ističu i s negativnim učincima na ljude, životinje, biljke i na vode. Nažalost, uobičajena je praksa dovela do značajnog zagađenja okoliša zbog neracionalne upotrebe pesticida, jer konkretnih sankcija za takve radnje gotovo da i nema. Ponuđena su rješenja za zbrinjavanje i skladištenje otpadne ambalaže od pesticida, u nadi da će se u bližoj budućnosti tako gospodariti.
Biomasa kao epoha novijega doba u poljoprivredi, obrađena je na najbolji mogući način u skladu s ljudskim mogućnostima. Biomasa predstavlja najbolji primjer iskorištavanja otpada iz raznih grana poljoprivrednog sektora u toplinske i električne svrhe te za dobivanje goriva. Napravljena je podjela goriva s detaljnim pojašnjenjem po svim vrstama te načini dobivanja istih. Na kraju ovoga rada, nabrojani su i objašnjeni pravni izvori, kao neizbježna stavka u svim sferama ljudske djelatnosti, pa tako i u poljoprivredi.
Abstract (english) Main goal of this thesis is to introduce types of waste which are made in agricultural sector, with detailed explanation of all tipes of waste which are made in the proces of manufacture, as also to warn about an inadequate waste management. As the most important problem about polution in this area we highlited land which represents the most important natural resource given to us by the God. Which in the same time is not handled by the laws of nature, but by the human needs, in other words – human will.
In the further work products of farm manufacture are being processed. Corpses of dead animals represent a complex process because the owners of the farm must be referred to the categorization of the waste, with a special emphasis on the manure, as one of the largest waste products. So accordingly the division of manure is being made, as well as its use and storage. The use of sludge from the purification device is a good example of waste disposal and is also useful for other purposes, in this case in agriculture, but only if it has been done rationally, taking into account the needs of land. In order to achieve serious crop yield results, pesticides are emphasized, but they also highlight the negative effects on humans, animals, plants and water. Unfortunately, common practice has led to significant environmental pollution due to irrational use of pesticides, as concrete sanctions for such actions are almost unavailable. Solutions for disposal and storage of pesticide waste packaging are offered, in the hope of managing it properly in the near future.
Biomass as an epoch of recent times in agriculture has been processed in the best possible way in accordance with human capabilities. Biomass represents the best example of waste utilization from various sectors of the agricultural sector for heat and electricity purposes and for the production of fuels. There is a division of fuel with detailed clarification of all types and ways of getting them. At the end of this thesis, explanatory legal sources are listed, as an inevitable item in all spheres of human activity, as well as in agriculture.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:110:774355
Study programme Title: Professional Study programe Sustainable development Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/na prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) inženjer/ inženjerka održivog razvoja (stručni/na prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) inženjer/ inženjerka održivog razvoja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
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Created on 2019-10-24 14:59:36